The Fictitious Christmas Background Exposed

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This article explores circumstantial evidence about Christmas. It highlights the misconceptions and traditions of the said annual holiday.

The 25th of December is Christmas Day, observed to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.

People celebrate the Christmas holidays with family gatherings and activities. They enjoy singing Christmas carols, going to church, and eating traditional foods. The support from friends and loved ones during their holiday season. All these activities promote bonding among families at home or with friends.

On the flip side, it can also be a trying time for people. The excitement about presents under a tree, mixed with un/thankful recipients. In addition, to the sadness felt from the loss of loved ones. There are also disagreements among family members and friends, ruining the fun. No matter how hard you try to keep the peace.

But through it, all stand misconceptions and traditions. Based on varying perspectives, this might not sound too important. After all, other things happen during Christmas days, like being stuck inside because of bad weather. Consider the facts about the birth of Jesus, Christmas origins, and some holiday traditions.

Belief: Christmas Celebrates the Birth of Jesus Christ

Fact: Research and history suggest that during winter, sheep, and shepherds stayed indoors. However, Jesus was born during a weather season when sheep and shepherds dwelled outdoors.

It is a popular tradition to celebrate the birth of Jesus on the 25th day of December. But, Jesus was not born on December 25. Additionally, what many people don’t know is that no one knows the exact date of his birth. It is not even clear whether Jesus was born in the winter or summer. But research, history, and ancient weather patterns show that he was not born in winter.

Jesus was born in a manger when the flocks of sheep could dwell outdoors. Flocks and shepherds could only dwell outside because it was not cold and snowing. Shepherds oversaw their flock, spending days and nights with them. They did this to protect them from theft. Shepherds and their flocks would live outside during applicable climate. Usually, from March through November. When the weather was warm, they could have lived outside. History and research deduced that during winter, shepherds kept their flocks indoors.

Jesus’ birth cannot be the December winter season. As at the time of his birth, the manger was without flocks of sheep. So how did December 25th become Jesus’ official birthday?

Belief: Christmas is a Christian Holiday

Fact: The 25th of December is not Jesus’s date of birth. But it replaced a formerly pagan holiday.

Most Christians believe Jesus was born on December 25. Many people are skeptical about this date of birth. Some historians say that Jesus’ birth occurred earlier than December.

Early, Christians did not celebrate Christmas. Neither did they recognize December 25 as Jesus’ birthdate. Yet, this December 25th, many Christians worldwide will celebrate Christmas. But, why is it celebrated on this day?

The Church in Rome headed by Constantine chose the date to weaken pagan traditions. They wanted to unify various regions and people in worship. So, the clergy set December 25th as a universal feast day. They then branded that day as Christmas. Curiously, the chosen date coincided with a former pagan festival. Yet, they selected 25th December to seduce pagan worshipers into Christianity. Centuries later that date, rooted in pagan origins, stuck as the celebration of Jesus’ birth, still known as Christmas day.

Belief: Christmas is the season to be jolly and observe many Christmas traditions.

Fact: Most Christmas activities are traditions rooted in paganism and benefit the commercial sector.

The holiday season brings joy, laughter, and a brief sense of hope. It is also a time to be with family, and friends and share Christmas traditions. Christmas traditions often involve feasting, nativity scenes, decorations, and gifts.

Merrymakers deck their homes and a Christmas tree with lights and ornaments. Then, during December, put presents underneath the tree for family members to open on Christmas day. On Christmas day, they get up early in the morning and go to church. Then go back home and open presents. At night, celebrants eat a big family dinner, listen to music, sing carols, and be jolly.

Ancient customs used trees as symbols of eternal life and rebirth. Other cultures took part in tree worship and tree rituals. For instance, pagan worshipers used trees to symbolize the winter solstice. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, with the least sunlight in a day. The activities of this festival are today celebrated by many Christians, on the 25th of December. It involves exchanging gifts, decorating trees, Christmas lights, and a feast. This festival has survived conversion from paganism into Christianity. Even without some people realizing yet. Others knowingly continue the pagan-rooted traditions. Reasoning that they can create meaning for them.

Further, the holiday season brings additional distractions, events, and shopping opportunities. Corporations increase their marketing strategies to promote their products and services during Christmas time. These bombarding marketing efforts work by influencing patrons to spend. Giving financial rewards and riches to stakeholders and beneficiaries in the commercial world. Hence, sales, profits, and commercial gains made during this time are too hard to ignore.

In closing, some may overlook all the facts about Christmas. Keeping a tight grip on their point of view that Christmas traditions are about more than presents. It is also about the feelings of giving and receiving; spending time with family or friends—making memories that will last a lifetime.

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